Support from private donors, foundations, and organizations gives the Department of Social and Critical Inquiry the ability to expand partnerships, serve communities, enrich student experiences, and advance faculty research. Our family of donors see their investment reflected in the excellence of our students, award-winning research, and public impact. Robust giving allows us to reward innovative scholarship and to competitively recruit students and faculty.

Fund Highlights
Gifts to the Department are used for undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, and for engagement activities like seminars, lectures, and community outreach. A gift may support an existing scholarship or fund, or it may create a new fund for current needs or an endowment to support programs into the future. Gifts may be made in honor of a faculty member or friend.
The Fund for Asian American Studies
Provides support for research activities, programming, curriculum development efforts, guest lecture series, and publications.
Gail Anne Shea Scholarship
Provides support for undergraduate (junior or senior) students enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, who have demonstrated academic achievement, and are majoring in women's, gender, and sexualities studies or a related field of study.
Nazrul Fund at the University of Connecticut
Supports guest speakers, conference costs and other programs related to Nazrul Teachings, or similar such social justice activities, conducted in association with University's Asian and Asian American studies.
Women's Studies Program
Provides support for the annual reception and other fundraising events for women's, gender, and sexuality studies.
Contact Us
For questions about giving to the Department or establishing a new fund, please contact a CLAS development officer.
To make a gift via mail or securities, please visit the How to Give to UConn page on the UConn Foundation website.