Asian and Asian American Studies

The Asian and Asian American Studies (AAAS) Area is home to education, community partnerships, and research about Asia and Asian diasporas in Connecticut, the U.S., and beyond.

A professor works with students during an Asian and Asian American Studies course.

Our Academics

UConn AAAS faculty members and students examine the history, cultural, and political background of social movements, migration, racism, and the environment as related to Asian regions, the Pacific, and the Americas.

The Department of Social and Critical Inquiry offers several minor options for undergraduate students:

  • Asian Studies.
  • Asian and Asian American Studies.
  • India Studies.

The AAAS Area explores the broad history and contemporary experiences of people of Asian descent in Asia and worldwide, including North and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and Australia. Faculty members offer courses that complement a variety of student interests and programs of study.

Community Engaged Research

Research Specialties

AAAS is a multidisciplinary field that brings together the humanities, social sciences, and art disciplines to promote awareness of the historical, geographical, and geopolitical zones that have shaped the stories of Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas. UConn’s AAAS faculty explore the rich and complex experiences of Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander communities. Their interdisciplinary research delves into history, culture, economics, law, society, and global connections, offering valuable insights into these diverse and dynamic populations.

Outreach and Engagement

Our faculty and students are involved in several initiatives to strengthen the Asian and Asian American communities at UConn and beyond.

  • We work closely with the Asian American Cultural Center to offer events and programs that engage UConn students and the broader communities we serve.
  • In partnership with the Early College Experience program, we educate Connecticut high school students and train teachers to become certified instructors of Asian and Asian American Studies courses.
  • Through the Asian American Studies Curriculum Lab, we collaborate with Connecticut teachers to create educational materials that support the state’s mandate to include Asian American and Pacific Islander history, culture, and civic contributions in K-12 classrooms.